the giving box

It’s that time of year again—the giving season. Your social media feeds are probably beginning to blow up with sales, advertisements for new products, and free shipping hype. The holidays often provide an obligatory reason to give gifts to others, whether its Christmas gifts for our family or the white elephant exchange at work with the mindless $15 budget. To some degree, the intentionality of gift giving has been lost to the pressures and demands of achieving the best gift, or feeling like you “have” to give because of the season or occasion.

At Ramble, every season is a reason for gift giving. We believe giving gifts can be a small or very big way that we can show up for people when they need encouragement. Nothing is as sweet as finding a letter from a friend when we check our mail or when your mom gifts you and your husband a gift card to your favorite restaurant after you explained to her how your budget was keeping you from date nights. We also know that words and even ideas of encouragement don’t always come easy, especially when someone near to you has experienced grief or loss. We want to equip you to share encouragement and love to those around you that need it.

Dear friend, you play an integral part in spreading love and joy to your community in a variety of ways and because we believe in the rich goodness of showing up for people and the old-fashioned idea of out-of-routine gifts, we created The Giving Box.


  1. Be intentional. Think about the kind of encouragement and light you want to gift to your friend.

  2. Click this link: The Giving Box

  3. Select a minimum of three products ranging from tees, sweatshirts, key fobs and stickers that you feel best exemplifies that friend or can lift them up.

  4. Write a simple note before you check out.

  5. Leave the packaging & shipping to us!

You’ll receive a 15% discount (automatically applied at check out, no code needed!) on the items purchased in your bundle.

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the artist collection || Lindsay Letters Co.

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