Do Hard Things: 2021 Planning - Part 1

Do Hard Things: 2021 Planning - Part 1

Before we get started I want you to sit down and think about a few things:

1. Do you have a self-care routine?

2. Define what rest looks like for YOU.

3. How do you currently make time for physical health?

4. How do you currently nourish and fuel your mental health?

5. Are there any relationships you need to mend or change that is taking up emotional and mental space during your rest time?

6. Do you know what energizes you? Not talking about caffeine - you know the feeling when you are filled up with joy or maybe it's a feeling of peace and deep calm within you? Think about what you were doing, who you were with, the smells, and the scenery. Begin actively thinking through how you can bring those moments into your daily routine.

Sit with these questions and your answers for a while. I want to encourage you to lean into the ones that made you uncomfortable & dig deeper to understand why. Are there any areas you feel confident in?

Ok, now— I just threw a ton of questions at you and my hope is to not overwhelm you but to get your brain working on what your current state is. I want to stress that I don't think or believe living in the past will get you anywhere. So, let's briefly touch on your now, and then we'll focus on the future. This time of year we can get so excited about planning and setting goals that we forget about the things in the previous year that held us back. I'm a girl who LOVES to plan. I love a good strategy and the steps to get to the goal, but I used to have a hard time with execution (still a struggle, I'm human). But, when I shifted the way I approached each day and each new project, I was able to see things all the way through to the end. 

I'll be back tomorrow with more on how we are going to tackle 2021. For now, I leave you with the questions above and a few resources that helped me over the last year.


Atomic Habits

All Along You Were Blooming



Winter Issue of the Magnolia Journal : Essay on Rest



The power of writing it down with Ally Fallon, Good True and Beautiful Podcast with Ashton Gustafson

Anthem, Put It On My Tab Podcast with Lex Brinton

Jamie Grace Quiets the Noise, Typology Podcast with Ian Morgan Cron

Brene with Emily and Amelia Nagoski on Burnout and How to Complete the Stress Cycle, Unlocking Us Podcast with Brene Brown

More coming soon friends! Let me know your thoughts and remember, 

I'm glad we are all in this together. We can do hard things.

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Do Hard Things : 2021 Planning - Part 2

Do Hard Things : 2021 Planning - Part 2

Do Hard Things: 2020 In Review

Do Hard Things: 2020 In Review