Ep: 4 Keeping Creative Outlets Alive with Ryan Hager

Ep: 4 Keeping Creative Outlets Alive with Ryan Hager

What makes a band..a band? Are people naturally gifted when it comes to music or do they have to work at it? This week Kathryn interviews Ryan about his journey into music, when he picked up a guitar and chose to pursue a life of music, the importance of creative outlets, and how to avoid creative stagnation to keep it real during difficult seasons of life.

Ryan Hager, co-owner of ramble and company, chatting about his life in music. We also discuss the painful years when life got in the way and he stopped pursuing a creative outlet. Tune in!

Ep: 5 Interview with Eb

Ep: 5 Interview with Eb

Ep: 3 The Early Days: Starting in a Sweaty Shop.

Ep: 3 The Early Days: Starting in a Sweaty Shop.