May Joy Find You

When you choose joy, goodness will gravitate towards you and radiate onto those around you. Joy can be found in the simple things like at the bottom of your favorite coffee cup, experiencing a colorful sunset during your drive home after a long day of work, or doing things that make your body and mind feel balanced. Whenever joy makes the slightest appearance, we encourage you to reach for it and allow yourself to choose it, for joy will always choose you.

“Find out where joy resides, and give it a voice far beyond singing. For to miss joy is to miss all.” - Robert Louis Stevenson

Tune in to episode 13 about finding joy within the little things and what consistent joy can add to your life!

One way to practice seeking joy in your everyday life is to keep a journal! Journaling not only gives you the freedom to write down your thought and emotions unfiltered, it also allows you to make note of the things that add to the joy you already have within yourself. These notes can act as reminders on the hard days where we tend to forget the joy within ourselves and within the life we’ve surrounded ourselves with. Sometimes journaling can be a hard thing to start so, we are here to help!

Start off with this simple list of things to get you started off!

Where do I begin?

  • Find a nice, quiet place that allows you to be open and relaxed without distractions. This place could be in your favorite spot at the park, in your car, a cozy spot in your home (whatever place you feel most comfortable in)

  • A super cool journal that fits your personality and speaks most to you!

  • Find your favorite pen or pencil and just start letting your mind flow onto the paper!

Journaling is something that is completely up to your own free will. It is a place that you can be fully unedited and authentic. Try starting by writing down the things that you are aware of that help keep the joy you have within yourself present and full then reflect on the gratitude you have for those things on the next page! This helps you become more aware of certain things you may pass during the rush of the day while also giving you space to feel the gratitude towards it. The more you practice this the more you will notice how much joy is apparent in every moment because it is apparent in you!

If you love our journals you should totally check out our pretty rad cards, pins, and this key fob to help remind you that joy will always find you!

The Daily Reminder Package

The Daily Reminder Package

Texas Collection

Texas Collection