trust the journey

A journey is simply defined as “an act or instance of traveling from one place to another.” It’s what happens on the road between two destinations where your heart, mind, and faith are challenged to grow. Before cars and planes, travel was risky. You were packing several days worth of food, loading a wagon or horse, possibly setting out on foot, or even catching a boat ride in which you would be at sea for days on end. You had to be prepared for the weather of that season, reliant on strangers in foreign towns for rest and food, and cautious of those who could take advantage of you. Every time you left the comfort of your home and set out for a new destination, you were embarking on a character-building journey.

Sometimes, we choose our journey and then there are other times where the journey finds us. Our destinations can look like finding joy after loss, walking across a stage in a cap and gown to receive a degree, getting a raise after working hard or moving to a new state. Maybe we don’t even know what the destination is or what it even looks like. But it’s not the destination that matters the most, it’s the winding road of uncertainty that brings excitement, adventure, challenge and lessons to learn. It’s between point A and point B where you callus your hands from hard work. It’s where you hit your knees and pray, allowing humility and need to flood out pride in your heart. It’s where you discover your closest friends. It’s where you see what it really is that you’re made of.

If we can begin to trust the space between destinations, then we can live our lives more from a place of gratitude than fear. Joy instead of worry. We can embrace our lives and ourselves with grace and love as we navigate the murky waters of uncertainty and circumstance.

Trust the journey, friends. It is a good and full and adventurous journey.

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Ramble Together

Ramble Together

ramble box || no one is keeping score

ramble box || no one is keeping score