Ramble Together | Episode 3 : Chapter 2- Slow Down, Look Around

Ramble Together | Episode 3 : Chapter 2- Slow Down, Look Around

This week we slowed down and dove a little deeper. We discussed what slowing down and readjusting has looked like during this time and what it is we need to let go of so that we can enjoy our present life around us.

Like driving, slowing down is gradual, not immediate unless you slam on the breaks and lurch forward into white-knuckled shock. A body in motion stays in motion, sometimes for so long that when we slow down, we crave the speed again and grow intolerant at a slower pace. Anyone who has ever gotten a speeding ticket driving through a small town knows exactly what I’m talking about. These are the four go-to signposts that help us slow down and find the right cruising speed:

  1. Recognize your speed and ask yourself, what is at the end of your tunnel? Look back to last week’s reflection notes and see if those distractions or insecurities have anything to do with it. Maybe it’s climbing the never-ending ladder of status at work, maybe it’s financial security, or proving yourself to someone who doesn’t really know you. 

  2. Remember the people around you and the things you enjoy that may be blurred on the roadside. Who are you leaving in the wake of your hustle? What dreams are you compromising? 

  3. Release your need for control and give yourself permission to slow down. Let go of unrealistic expectations and lies that you are not doing enough. What expectations do you need to reevaluate? Which ones are worth the weight? Which ones do you need to put down and replace with grace and extend gentleness to yourself?

  4. Respond to a new pace. Practice carving out time for rest, for community and for dreaming. How can you create space for self-care? How can you practice intentionality with friends? What dreams have you pushed to the side that you need to reintroduce into your life?

Please feel free to share answers to your reflection, your narrative, and any questions you have about this chapter in the comments. This is a safe space and we value and appreciate you being here.

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